AZ Places
Camping: Dispersed within the Wildlife Area. Campground within the State Park.
Water: Provide your own water if not within the campground.
Services: Store at the Alamo Lake State Park
Elevation: 1181 ft
Mid February through Late April
October through Mid December
Best Seasons
La Paz Regional Hospital: Emergency Room, South Mohave Avenue, Parker, AZ, USA
Nearest Hospital
Parker, AZ, USA
Nearest Convenience Store

Alamo Lake Wildlife Area
69430 Wickenburg Road, Wenden, AZ 85357
La Paz County
34°15'51.6"N 113°33'26.6"W
Take Alamo Dam Road north from Wenden, or Alamo Road west from U.S. Route 93near Congress.
Alamo Lake Wildlife Area
We spend several nights here on the edge of the lake. Enjoyed listening to the water and the birds while siting by the fire. Really great spot for camping. Nice and secluded beaches and peninsulas with beautiful views of the lake and surrounding mountains. A lot of fishermen in boats trolling, lake is well known for bass fishing. Looking forward to return with our kayaks. While in the area we visited the Alamo Dam and made a stop for ice-cream at the ranger store at the Alamo State Park. On our drive there we saw wild burros.
Area Description: Within the boundaries of the Alamo Lake Wildlife Area are Alamo Lake State Park, Alamo Lake, and Alamo Dam; a portion of the Bill Williams River below Alamo Dam; and portions of the Bill Williams, Big Sandy, and Santa Maria rivers above Alamo Lake.
Archeological Sites: The wildlife area contains numerous sites of cultural and archeological significance.
Wildlife Observation: In the winter, the lake has high populations of grebes and waterfowl, including several species of teal, mallard, ruddy duck, bufflehead, common goldeneye, and eared grebe. There is year round viewing of waterbirds such as American coot, western and Clark’s grebes, great egret, black-crowned night-heron, great blue heron, double-crested cormorant, American white pelican, and an occasional brown pelican. During migration, gulls, terns, and shorebirds can also be observed. Bald eagles have nested at the upper end of the lake and below the dam. The eagles and osprey can routinely be seen foraging around the area. You may also see gray fox, coyote, mule deer, javelina, bighorn sheep, and feral burros. During the warmer months many reptiles and amphibians may also be encountered, including Sonoran mud turtle, desert iguana, common chuckwalla, Gila monster, rosy boa, western lyresnake, speckled rattlesnake, red-spotted toad, and Great Plains toad.